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A look back at 2019

Another very busy year, which saw me working with existing clients and lots of new ones. The best thing about this job is meeting people and businesses and telling their stories through creative commercial photography.

From small businesses requiring a single headshot, to large corporations booking me for numerous shoots throughout the year, I worked with a huge range of companies and individuals.

Meanwhile, I got the opportunity to shoot some amazing, one-off events ranging from the Tour de Yorkshire, to amazing illuminations at Selby Abbey and York Minster, and I also documented life at Selby Abbey as part of the Selby 950 celebrations. My photography featured in magazines, websites, social media feeds, posters, leaflets and brochures, helping businesses, councils and organisations to promote their services.

One of my highlights had to be meeting and photographing the Kohima war veterans at an event attended by Prince Andrew (not sure he's had such a good year though...)

At York Minster, I was also privileged to be the only photographer documenting the collation and installation of the new Dean, Jonathan Frost, as well as having the pleasure of meeting and photographing Archbishop Designate, Stephen Cottrell. I also photographed services and events throughout the year.

For developers, architects and builders, I shot everything from works in progress to award-winning finished projects, including a commission to shoot the National Railway museum as part of an international architecture competition.

The sheer variety of my job means I never know what's coming next, but that's what makes it so interesting, so whether I'm shooting a fast-moving event, or a carefully considered portrait, or whether I'm camped out somewhere waiting for the ideal light, it's always worth it to see the final shot. Over the course of the year I've photographed a prince, a princess, OBEs, MBEs, Knights, MPs, Archbishops, monks, cats and dogs (and a rat) and just about everyone else in-between.

Whatever your photography requirements - get in touch for a free consultation.

As always, this review is a tiny proportion of the thousands of images produced for clients over the year, and I'm grateful to all my clients for putting their faith in me to help them to sell their services and products.

If you'd like to join them, just get in touch - always happy to meet for a coffee (and happier still to meet for a pint!)



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07501 487895

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