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Easter at York Minster, and a bit of cross-dressing.

I've been called upon to photograph all sorts of events at York Minster, but Easter is usually particularly busy.

From services to events, I've covered them all - midnight vigils, the Archbishop washing feet, children running around Dean's Park to see the Stations of the Cross, outdoor baptisms and much more.

As a commercial photographer based in York, these events require very different skills - being discreet during candle-lit services, capturing the exact moment when someone is submerged, recording the atmosphere and sense of occasion, but without getting in the way or disrupting what's happening.

Here's a few favourites - read on for the cross-dressing...

and cross-dressing? My mistake - I also photographed 'the dressing of the cross' - carried out by one of the Minster's Works department from the top of a cherrypicker affectionately known as 'Thunderbird 6'. When I submitted the pictures the marketing team were wondering what was in the folder marked 'cross-dressing'!

If you need a commercial photographer to take pictures of your cross-dressing activities, or any other events, why not get in touch!

PS, Christmas at the Minster is just as beautiful



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07501 487895

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