Covid 19 - working policy

This is (hopefully) the least interesting blog post I've ever written, but it is an important one.
The health and safety of any of the clients I work for is hugely important, and during these changing times, I'll be following the procedures below:
Coronavirus shooting policy
Coronavirus has been a challenging time for all of us. In returning to work, I am doing so in as safe a way as possible, to minimise any risk to myself or those around me.
In addition to my usual terms and conditions, I am currently operating under the following conditions:
I will perform photo shoots (both exterior and interior) if I am satisfied that it can be done in a safe way, both for me, and for anyone else around me. I will not carry out any work at a business or property if:
* anyone occupying the building has been displaying any symptoms Covid-19 in the last 7 days
* anyone in the property is self-isolating
* anyone in the property has been advised to shield because they are in a high-risk category
When attending a property where somebody is clinically vulnerable, but has not been asked to shield (for example, the home of someone over 70) prior arrangements should be made to avoid any face-to-face contact with those people (for example, not answering the door or not being in the same room as me while I am working).
How you can help me:
If anyone at the location has been self isolating, shielding or displaying symptoms of Covid-19 within the 14 days before the shoot, let me know before the date of the shoot.
Please disinfect all surfaces that you may expect me to use such as door handles etc, with anti-bacterial spray or wipes before a shoot.
Please leave internal doors open where possible to minimise the need for me to touch them
Please ensure the site has adequate ventilation
Anyone present during the shoot should maintain social distancing of at least 2m/6ft and wear a face covering inside where possible.
What you can expect of me:
I will be getting regular tests and will only continue working if those tests are negative.
I am double vaccinated.
I will bring PPE and cleaning equipment to the shoot to ensure that I do not contaminate any surfaces
I will ensure my equipment is disinfected before entering the property
All equipment will be cleaned again after the shoot
Where possible, I will use hard plastic 'Pelican' cases which are easier to clean
Once inside the property, I will not touch or move any items unless absolutely necessary
I will use hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes at regular intervals throughout the shoot.
If I feel unwell or begin displaying symptoms whilst at a shoot, I reserve the right to stop work immediately to protect myself and others.
All work will be delivered digitally to avoid passing of physical items.
I’m obviously not a medical expert and am aware that rules and guidance change frequently, so am happy to consider any other suggestions you may have for working together safely.
Stay safe.