Art or Vandalism?
I’ve had the privilege of travelling all over the world with my camera, and I’m always fascinated by street art. Sometimes clever, often incredible, occasionally terrible, it nevertheless defines a city.
It’s often in the urban sprawl, on the way into a city that graffiti is most prominent and it can be uplifting or depressing.
These pictures were all taken in 2013 as part of a project called ‘Torrevieja Sprayed’, documenting the street art of the Spanish seaside town that serves as a tourist destination, but also has a thriving salt industry.
Much of this street art is long gone - covered by other artists, or destroyed when walls were demolished to make way for developments.
Individually these photographs just replicate the artists vision, but on the streets, it’s impossible to see them together, as they’re presented here, and seen collectively, I believe they make up a bigger, unique snapshot of a city.
PS the answer to the question? Art. definitely art.
Editorial comment, no resale of images
Tracking down the artists is inevitably difficult, but if you know the artists behind any of these pieces, please let me know so I can credit them.