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On reflection - a different view of York Minster

I've photographed York Minster from every conceivable angle. I've been inside, outside, underneath, up towers, inside hidden passages, looked down from a hot air balloon, shot it from miles away and from inches away.

But I'm always drawn to reflections, not just of the Minster, but of any subject. Reflections provide a different viewpoint - they distort shapes and colours, exchange left for right and top for bottom, meaning that as a photographer, they give me a different view of any subject, however familiar I think I am with it.

This shot recently racked up over 1000 likes on the Minster's facebook page, having been shared over 150 times, so it's not just me that likes them!:

It's a familiar view, but with a twist courtesy of the puddle.

And from the other side, the view is just as impressive:

But sometimes it's the less obvious reflections, like the view in a passing truck window, a wet pavement, the reflection on the bonnet of the Mayor's car or in a nearby window:

Whenever you're looking for a professional photographer, pick one that looks not just at the big picture (however beautiful it is), but also finds an alternative view.

For more conventional shots of the Minster, see this post or this post,

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