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2017 review

Phew! 2017 was another busy year that saw me working on some really interesting projects.

I've had a great time shooting conferences, awards, presentations, gigs, festivals and events.

I've produced marketing photography for clients ranging from architects and care homes, to food producers and clothing manufacturers and many more, and PR shots for all manner of events and clients that have gained coverage in press and other media.

Along the way this year I've photographed actors, archbishops (both of them), bands, CEOs, MPs, and OBEs.

I've shot Architecture, art and artisans, Knights and Bishops (see what I did there), business owners, the Red Arrows, brides and grooms, a few dogs and a pink cow.

I also continued to shoot for my nominated charity St Leonard's Hospice, who continue to provide a fantastic service to the people of York and beyond.

Although I'm based in York, I've been to Hull and back when I was commissioned to shoot several events in Hull as part of the City of Culture, and I've I've also shot for clients in London, Liverpool and Leeds, and in Berlin, Burma and Bridlington, (and many others too, I just liked the alliteration)!

My work has featured on TV, in prospectuses, annual reports, advertisements, hoardings, banners, magazine covers, leaflets, posters, newspapers, blogs and twitter feeds,

As always, this blog is a tiny sample of the work I've produced during the year, but however varied, they have one thing in common, and that's that I have enjoyed shooting them all. The best part of this job is not producing the images, the hours of editing and admin, or the travel, it's meeting new people, whether they're clients or subjects.

Whatever business you're in, photography is an investment, not a cost. With great images, comes increased engagement online, trust in your business and hopefully, more sales or customer loyalty.

Photography, York

Thanks to all the clients who have trusted me to help produce their images over the last year, I'm really looking forward to 2018. To see how I could help your business, just get in touch, I'm happy to meet over a coffee or a pint to see how your business could move forward.

In the meantime, have a Happy Monday...

Bez, Happy Mondays, Ravage Photography

Best wishes


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07501 487895

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