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2016 in a nutshell

2016 was a momentous year in many ways.

Whilst the grim reaper was busy taking his toll on celebrities that I had grown up with, and the political landscape was changing beyond recognition, I was busy on amazing shoots with all sorts of people, and having a great year.

I photographed royalty, MPs, knights of the realm, dames, actors, (both) Archbishops, business leaders, singers, glaziers, farriers, models and many more.

Poet Ian McMillan ahead of an awards ceremony

Two of the record-breaking trans-Atlantic Yorkshire Rows team

One of many corporate headshots produced in 2016

From breweries to bus tours, I shot all sorts of businesses

Part of a shoot for a business magazine which included my shot on the cover.

I shot people, products, premises, refurbished properties, new-builds, hotels and care homes, conferences, award ceremonies and events, breweries, restaurants, hospices, art galleries, colleges and of course, York Minster.

Craig Wilby, winner of Come Dine With Me, who donated his winnings to St Leonard's Hospice.

Clients made great use of my images in brochures, leaflets, programmes, prospectuses, and on their websites, blog posts, packaging and advertising material, and their tweets with my shots were seen around the world.

At York Minster I shot the usual services - the consecration of several bishops and the ordination of over 20 priests, and the unusual services - including a shire horse in the nave.

Bishops being consecrated by the Archbishop of York

Tom the Shire horse in the nave of York Minster as part of a blessing service

Newly ordained priests with the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu

I documented the work on the Great East Window, including its ‘topping out’, and the incredible variety of work done behind the scenes from joiners to electricians, glaziers to stonemasons,

but my highlight at the Minster was working with the incredible team that put together the Mystery Plays. This was an epic, award-winning production that required me to shoot portraits, behind the scenes preparations and meetings, rehearsals and the performances themselves. Knowing that I was capturing the Minster in a way that it had never looked before, or will ever look again, was as awe-inspiring as it was challenging.

Once the production had finished, I also did a shoot with one of the stars of the show, Ruby Barker.

For an article on these shots, see this Yorkmix article.

and for more shots of the production, have a look at this post

Another highlight was shooting what is arguably York’s most prestigious address – St Leonard’s Place for developers Rushbond. A luxury development in the heart of York, I photographed it inside and out as it was restored to its former glory. – more here

I take great pride in my work and as a result still get a buzz from seeing my images in use, and in 2016 I was able to see my shots used extensively in the press, including Yorkshire Post, Yorkshire Life, York Press and in several business magazines and websites, and they also appeared as hoardings on buildings, adorning two fleets of buses, on 48 and 96-sheet billboards, phone boxes, ad-bikes, and as galleries in client boardrooms.

In amongst all this, I continued with some personal photographic projects which should see the light of day later this year, shot several weddings and got married myself (finally) and am now getting ready to open a new photography business later this year – all will be revealed nearer the time.

As always, I’m grateful to all the clients who put their trust in me, and for having the creative flair to put the images to such good use.

This post is a tiny proportion of the work done this year, and I've loved every minute of it.

If you need photography services, feel free to get in touch.

Here's wishing you all a very successful 2017.


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