I'm the person behind the camera - Duncan Lomax. With a lifetime behind the camera, a degree in Commercial Photography, and over 25 years' experience in print and marketing, I bring vast experience to your project.
I've also taught photography to degree level and provide one-to-one training and tuition.
I pride myself on first-class customer service, ensuring that your needs are clear from the outset, and that the images provided meet your needs. The core values of the business are service, quality, integrity and passion, and I go out of my way to deliver them all.
Where required, additional specialist resource is also brought in.
All equipment used is of a professional standard and fully insured, and all software is licenced and up to date. Monitors are calibrated and all files are backed up multiple times.
Full public liability insurance of £5m is in place at all times and I have DBS clearance.
I operate professionally and to a standard set of terms and conditions, which are available below.
The services I provide are different for every client, but don't stop (or even start) at taking the pictures.
I meet with you to understand what it is you need to portray
I use my marketing and project management experience to help with your own projects
I look at what you like and what you don't like
I research your existing images and those of your competitors
I get to know and understand your market
I work with your staff or team to get the best out of them
I take the images, or if required, bring in additional resource
I provide all post-processing
I provide you with a licence-to-use which clearly states how and when the images can be used.
I love my job, so I do all the above with a good sense of humour and a can-do attitude - one client described me as a photographaholic - not sure that word exists, but it does sum me up!
I would love to work with you whatever your photography requirements.
When I'm not behind the camera, I play guitar in a band, travel the world, and love watching (and photographing) live music., and I'm easily pleased with a good pint and a curry.
I'm also working on a number of personal artistic projects and I run Holgate Gallery
I love meeting and working with new clients, so why not get in touch for an informal chat.
Duncan Lomax
Owner/Photographer, Ravage Productions

What's that logo all about then?
The Ravage logo represents lots of things:
1: The box represents the shape of an open camera sensor, or 35mm film.
2: Within it, the circles represent 'bokeh' - the effect of out of focus lights, often seen in the background of portraits due to the use of large apertures.
3: The four circles represent the Ravage core values - service, quality, integrity and passion
4: The whte part of the logo has three points, representing the 'exposure triangle' of aperture, speed and ISO (sensitivity) - all key elements in taking a great image.
5: The typeface has been carefully chosen to reflect the roundness of the bokeh and to indicate the complete service offered.
6: Err, I just think it looks nice.
For the purpose of this agreement "the Agency" and "the Advertiser" shall where the context so admits include their respective assignees, sub-licensees and successors in title. In cases where the Photographer's client is a direct client (i.e. with no agency or intermediary), all references in this agreement to both "the Agency" and "the Advertiser" shall be interpreted as references to the Photographer's client. "Photographs" means all photographic material furnished by the Photographer, whether transparencies, negatives, prints or any other type of physical or electronic material.
The entire copyright in the Photographs is retained by the Photographer at all times throughout the world.
Title to all Photographs remains the property of the Photographer. When the Licence to Use the material has expired the Photographs must be returned to the Photographer in good condition within 30 days.
4. USE
The Licence to Use comes into effect from the date of payment of the relevant invoice(s). No use may be made of the Photographs before payment in full of the relevant invoice(s) without the Photographer's express permission. Any permission which may be given for prior use will automatically be revoked if full payment is not made by the due date or if the Agency is put into receivership or liquidation. The Licence only applies to the advertiser and product as stated on the front of the form and its benefit shall not be assigned to any third party without the Photographer's permission. Accordingly, even where any form of 'all media' Licence is granted, the photographer's permission must be obtained before any use of the Photographs for other purposes eg use in relation to another product or sublicensing through a photolibrary. Permission to use the Photographs for purposes outside the terms of the Licence will normally be granted upon payment of a further fee, which must be mutually agreed (and paid in full) before such further use. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all further Licences in respect of the Photographs will be subject to these terms and conditions.
Unless otherwise stated on the licence to Use, The Agency and Advertiser will be authorised to publish the Photographs to the exclusion of all other persons including the Photographer. However, the Photographer retains the right in all cases to use the Photographs in any manner at any time and in any part of the world for the purposes of advertising or otherwise promoting his/her work. After the exclusivity period indicated in the Licence to Use the Photographer shall be entitled to use the Photographs for any purposes.
The photographer will keep confidential and will not disclose to any third parties or make use of material or information communicated to him/her in confidence for the purposes of the photography, save as may be reasonably necessary to enable the Photographer to carry out his/her obligations in relation to the commission.
You must satisfy yourself that all necessary rights, model releases or consents which may be required for reproduction are obtained and that the use of any image is not obscene, indecent, libellous or unlawful. We make no claim or warranty with regard to your use of content, names, text, people, trademarks or copyright material depicted in any Image and you will indemnify us in respect of any claims, damages, costs or expenses we incur arising from the use of any Image supplied to you. The Photographer shall only be responsible for obtaining such clearances if this has been expressly agreed before the shoot. In all other cases the Agency shall be responsible for obtaining such clearances and will indemnify the Photographer against all expenses, damages, claims and legal costs arising out of any failure to obtain such clearances.
Payment by the Agency will be expected for the commissioned work within 30 days of the issue of the relevant invoice. If the invoice is not paid, in full, within 30 days The Photographer reserves the right to charge interest at the rate prescribed by the Late Payment of Commercial Debt (Interest) Act 1998 from the date payment was due until the date payment is made.
Where extra expenses or time are incurred by the Photographer as a result of alterations to the original brief by the Agency or the Advertiser, or otherwise at their request, the Agency shall give approval to and be liable to pay such extra expenses or fees at the Photographer's normal rate to the Photographer in addition to the expenses shown overleaf as having been agreed or estimated.
Unless a rejection fee has been agreed in advance, there is no right to reject on the basis of style or composition.
A booking is considered firm as from the date of confirmation and accordingly the Photographer will, at his/her discretion, charge a fee for cancellation or postponement.
If the box on the estimate and the licence marked "Right to a Credit" has been ticked the Photographer's name will be printed on or in reasonable proximity to all published reproductions of the Photograph(s). By ticking the box overleaf the Photographer also asserts his/her statutory right to be identified in the circumstances set out in Sections 77-79 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or any amendment or re-enactment thereof.
Save for the purposes of reproduction for the licensed use(s), the Photographs may not be stored in any form of electronic medium without the written permission of the Photographer. Manipulation of the image or use of only a portion of the image may only take place with the permission of the Photographer.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of England & Wales
These Terms and Conditions shall not be varied except by agreement in writing.
Stock Images
I don't generally shoot for stock, but if you would like to licence any images on this site, or see other possible images, please get in touch. Please note that many of the images on the site are not available for stock use.
Image licensing starts at £300 for work that is clearly credited, double that for uncredited work.
I reserve the right to refuse to licence an image if the intended use could be damaging either to my reputation, or those of my clients.